New Service Categories Added Every Month

Welcome researchers! Whether you are looking for a particular service or just want to browse, we’ve got you covered. We’ve created a simple easy to navigate scientific taxonomy of about 500 categories that helps you drill down to the exact service you seek or to find services that you didn’t even know existed. As more services get created (and as we better understand your needs), we have been slowly expanding the taxonomy to include entirely new categories and subcategories.
In this post, which I will repeat monthly or bi-monthly, I briefly review the most recent changes to the service taxonomy.
Our most popular service area, Biology, has been updated with the addition of an Antivirals subcategory in the Cell Based Assays category.
In DMPK, we’ve added Intestinal Models, Buccal Models, Ocular Models, Nasal Models and Vaginal Models subcategories to the D rug Permeability category, a Metabolite Generation subcategory has been added to the Metabolite ID category, a GI Fluid Stability subcategory has been added to the Metabolic Stability category and a Formulation Development subcategory has been added to the In Vivo PK category.
In Pharmacology, we have introduced four new subcategories: a Primate Diabetes subcategory in Diabetes, a Hemophilia subcategory in Inflammation, and Schizophrenia and Circadian Profiling subcategories in Neurological.
Once we create a new subcategory, we identify vendors that offer services in the area and “attach” the list of vendors we identify to a general subcategory request form. This makes it easy for you to identify vendors that offer the service you want and easily communicate with them.
We also offer a free, service locator service if you are having trouble finding the service you want. Contact us and we’ll help find the services you need.