2017 Review of the Best Project Managers for H2020

Do you know how long you spend on managing resources and reporting during a Horizon 2020 project? 10%. So, getting someone to do the project management tasks might be a real pain-reliever.
From my experience, one hour is spent on administrative issues for every 10 hours spent on R&D work. These issues include reporting actions, budget monitoring, negotiation with the European Commission, filling in forms, organizing meetings, and so on. In two words: project management.
It became a common practice in European projects to split coordination tasks. One partner in charge of the coordination of scientific efforts and a second partner is in charge of administrative issues.
Having an administrative coordinator is very convenient for the whole consortium. It frees the scientific coordinator from these time-consuming tasks. For example, it can send reminders before reporting deadlines, organize meetings, check financial issues and so much more.
Some companies offer project management in the framework of European programs. Their services usually include the above-mentioned tasks. It matters to involve them at the very beginning, even before you wrote the project proposal. In fact, most of these companies have significant experience in grant writing. Consider it just like a regular partner.
Do if you are about to apply for a Horizon 2020 call, you may be interested in the following. Find below our top 10 of project managers for Horizon 2020.
ttopstart B.V.
The company ttopstart B.V. is an expert in the development of a project from the beginning to the end. They can manage for you all the non-scientific activities of your research project.
The company ttopstart B.V. is a partner in the projects REGAIN and PRECIOUS, both funded under the Horizon 2020 program. It usually applies to projects related to life sciences, medical technology and health.
The company ttopstart B.V. is from the Netherlands.
ConsulTech GmbH
The core activity of ConsulTech GmbH is to support project submission and implementation. Its aims to take care of all the coordination activities: setting meetings, ensure deadlines are met on time, and so on.
It already coordinated two FP7 projects in health-related fields: the MIRACLE and EUROCALIN projects. It usually applies to projects related to biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and medical sciences and clinical trials.
ConsulTech is from Germany.
Intelligentsia Consultants
The company Intelligentsia consultants aim to support research innovation. It can manage projects by handling contract negotiations, administrative issues, budget monitoring, the organization of consortium event and risk management. Support related to intellectual properties can also be managed by Intelligentsia consultants.
The company has more than 20 years of experience in European project management. It usually applies to projects related to many fields of research including aerospace, agri-food, ICT, materials sciences, energy, and physics.
Intelligentsia consultants is from Luxembourg.
R&R is a consulting agency that is specialized in Horizon 2020 project management.
From the idea to implementation, the R&R agency can deliver “everything you need” related to the Horizon 2020 program. For financial management, the agency developed the Efamt application.
On its website, the R&R agency claims to have participated in more than 30 international projects. Its success rate is 55% for its application to EU projects.
The agency can apply for projects related to all fields of scientific research.
R&R is from Slovenia.
OPER-UV European Research Projects Office
The OPER-UV Office supports the participation of groups from the University of Valencia, Spain, in European projects. It can be involved in a European project as a project management partner.
The office benefits from the accumulated experience of university participation in European projects for several years.
It applies to projects related to all fields of scientific research but with the participation of research groups from the University of Valencia.
Beacon Tech
Beacon Tech is leveraged support for research organizations. It supports institutions, hospitals, and tech companies applying for European funding. The team comprises people with scientific backgrounds.
Beacon tech offers several services around Horizon 2020, including coordination of the project. It consists of administrative and financial management.
Beacon Tech is involved in European grants since 1997. Beacon tech worked for several dozen of projects. Especially, it participated as coordinator in FP7 and Horizon 2020 projects related to genomics, and smart environment.
It applies to projects related to clinical trials, life sciences, FET, ICT, and many other fields of research.
The Beacon Tech company is from Israel.
Biolution is a company that offers communication, consulting, event and project management to European projects.
Biolution has experience with both ERC and Horizon 2020 projects. Biolution was involved as a partner in more than 10 EU projects.
It usually applies to projects related to health challenges like vaccines, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and clinical trials.
Biolution is from Austria.
EURICE can support project creation and management all along the project life cycle. It assists consortia in the preparation of the application, negotiations, and project implementation. It also includes networking activities and training session if needed. The agency can provide risk management, and advice related to intellectual property rules.
EURICE is involved in the EU project since 2000 and the 4th Framework Program (FP4). Since then, it accumulated experience from participation in about 100 projects.
It applies for projects related to life sciences, ICT, materials, environment, energy and even more field of research.
EURICE is from Germany.
BioTalentum is a research SME. It also provides services in project management for European projects. It can help with the application and proposal writing. During the project life, it coordinates administrative and financial efforts.
BioTalentum is one of the most funded private organization as a coordinator in the 7th Framework Program (FP7). The company developed specific consultancy services to value this experience.
It usually applies to projects related to biotechnology and stem cell research.
BioTalentum is from Hungary.
The INOVA+ company supports the growth and access to financing to R&D organizations. It offers specific services regarding Horizon 2020: from monitoring opportunity to project management. It takes care of the financial and administrative coordination. The company claims 30% of success rate for its applications for European projects.
INOVA+ is one of the most funded private organization as a coordinator in the 7th Framework Program (FP7). It benefits from the experience of implementing more than 500 RDI national or international projects.
It applies to projects related to many fields of research including food, health, aeronautics, energy and more.
INOVA+ is from Portugal.