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Top 10 Bioinformatics Services

Labs Explorer on December 20, 2017

Bioinformatics is a multidisciplinary field of science where biologists, physicians, computer scientists, mathematicians, physicists and bioinformaticians work together to analyze, interpret and understand the increasing amount of biological data. Bioinformatics develop methods and software tools for in silicon analysis using mathematical and statistical techniques to understand and solve biological queries.

This discipline covers a large spectrum of applications. It goes from genome analysis to modeling the evolution of an animal population, to molecular modeling, image analysis, genome assembly and phylogenetic tree reconstruction.

Here are some of the fields where bioinformatics is applied.

Sequencing Analysis

Bioinformatics field largely grew through the Human Genome Project and the development of DNA sequencing technology in the mid-1990s. With the growing amount of data, it became impossible to analyze DNA sequences manually. That is why computer programs are used to analyze DNA sequences enabling to search for specific sequences, to identify mutations, related sequences, to compare sequences, to measure changes in DNA etc.

This computational analysis is also applied to RNA and protein sequences to measure gene and protein expression and thus is particularly useful in genomics.

Structural bioinformatics

The amino-acid sequence of a protein, also called primary structure, can be easily determined from gene or RNA sequence. But it is its 3D form, or tertiary structure, which gives its function except for some cases. Thus the knowledge of this structure is crucial to understand the protein function. Structural bioinformatics determines which part of the protein is important for its function, structural formation, and interaction with other proteins, being based on homologous protein already known. This information is then used to predict the structure of the protein reliably.

Image Analysis

Biomedical images contain a lot of information important for diagnosis or research. Image analysis requires making a measurement from large and complex set of images. Computational technologies improve the accuracy, the objectivity or speed of the observation.

It often takes time to find the CRO which corresponds to your bioinformatics analysis needs. Here you can find a selection of services which can be useful for you.