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Top 10 Business Development Services for R&D Organisations

Labs Explorer on December 20, 2017

Business development aims to chase strategic opportunities. It requires a good analysis of the situation in both your company and its ecosystems. According to the diagnosis results, business development can be translated into various actions. It can be creating partnerships, development of sale forces, targeting a new market, etc.

Often, tech SMEs and CROs do not benefit from a dedicated development manager. Sometimes hiring someone is not relevant, especially when but you can’t afford the cost in the long term. Instead, you can hire an external business development team from an agency.

Consulting services are flourishing. They provide diagnosis and advises on business development to research-related companies. Their work is to identify the opportunities for your company to grow. Then, one or several business development options are presented to the customer company. The resulting pieces of advice can be of various types: from restructuring of processes to addressing new markets.

In some cases, business development services mean the implementation of strategic actions. Of course, such a service often comes after a consulting service. For example, an agency from Israel offers to manage partnership relations for its customers.

The expression “business development” is used in many contexts. It can lead to misunderstandings. So, when discussing with a consulting agency make sure you have the same definition and understanding of “development”. Just like when you build European partnership, talking about SMART objectives is the best way to avoid disappointment.

It often takes time to find the agency which corresponds to your needs. Here you can find a selection of business development services which can be useful for you.