Synthesis Services
Synthesis service is the manufacturing of custom molecules or organisms for particular needs. It includes peptidic and non-peptidic compounds, antibodies, transgenic organisms, viruses construction, enzyme engineering and more.

Get synthesis done by experts
Complex production can be outsourced to specialized labs. For example, few companies can design antibody-drug conjugate or even bispecific antibodies as research contract providers. This might save time on unnecessary experiments.
Many labs and companies became experts in producing proteins. They now offer their expertise to produce, express and purify proteins so you get a high-quality end product. Even very specific demands have their providers, so scaffold proteins with specific characterization can be delivered.
Stay careful with the delivered product
You can ask to get crystallized proteins delivered. It might be especially useful if you want to perform further analysis on its structure. As crystallization is a sensitive process, make sure you ask experts to perform it.
A reliable CRO will provide you with all the necessary documentation on the synthesis process. This might be especially useful for further publication or to control the end product. Take the example of antibodies: several methods are possible for an antibody synthesis. You can either get it from cell cultures or from synthetic genes. Both methods are valid but, in each case, it should be well documented.
Go for cheaper synthesis at bigger scale
Increase the volume of production, decrease the cost of the synthesis. Some synthesis methods for peptides are now available for the production of large batches. Because of the economies of scale arising, you can get your peptide for reasonable costs. It might worth the consideration to ordering large batch of peptides at once. The only limitation is the storage of the peptide.
Antibodies can also be produced in few litres tanks, this can result in lowering the cost of production. In particular, the literature related to monoclonal antibody production is abundant.
Discover below some CROs that offers synthesis services.