Underwater Testing With INM-Marine Engineering
Underwater testing can be used in many fields, like military or nuclear research as well as testing underwater noise. We interviewed Salvatore Mauro, a researcher at INM-Marine Engineering, an Italian marine technology center, to know more about the different applications of underwater testing.

Testing on the Nemi Lake
About your lab, what is its history, its mission?
I work at the INM-Marine Engineering (formerly INSEAN, Italian Nation Ship Model Basin). It was founded in 1927 and since then has become the largest Italian Marine Technology Centre.
What services does your lab offer?
We offer free running self-propelled unmanned models test, fully equipped with the technology able to catch the physical 6 DOF response of the running model to the rudder’s actions.
What sets your expertise apart from others?
The dimensions of the Outdoor Manoeuvring Basin we use as a test facility. The Nemi Lake is a freshwater volcanic lake with a recurring absence of external disturbances (wind, waves, currents, etc.) and with not any anthropic activities on and inside the inshore areas.
What challenges are you willing to address in the near future?
To undertake a multisensor (multibeam + sub-bottom profiler) underwater measurements campaign in order to gain the underwater topology of the lake’s basin.
What do you expect from Scientist?
To host everyone interested in testing the underwater noise produced by reconfigurable ROVs and AUVs in an underwater anechoic area.
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