Inspiration as Kids

Behind every successful scientist, astronaut, author, teacher, athlete, etc. was a young inspired child with a dream to become the very person they are today. Think back to childhood, when everything around you felt like the most fascinating thing you had ever seen: the changing color of the leaves during autumn, a monarch butterfly gliding through the air, ocean waves crashing on the shore. It is during these formative years that we derive much of the inspiration that shapes our path as adults. Sure, oftentimes our plans change and shift in directions we didn’t previously expect, but the inspiration we once gained as children leaves an indelible mark.
At, we encourage our team to stay inspired and applaud the innovation that stems from it. To learn more about how our team got to where they are today, we asked them to answer this simple question: What inspired you as a kid?
Here’s what a few of them had to say:
Sherman Tang, VP, Professional Services
“I’ve always been a fan of The Magic School Bus book and television series, and the teacher, Ms. Frizzle, has a motto that I believe builds the foundation for future innovators. I’ve had first hand experience of how unpredictable and messy life can be, and parents, like myself, can probably relate to the fact that we’re all just figuring things out as we go. So to the young minds out there, ‘take chances, make mistakes, and get messy’.“
Brian Titus, Sr. Director, Supplier Relations
“When I was a kid I wanted to help people, I wanted to create, and I wanted to build something. I still do. I thought about being a chef, being a scientist, being a teacher, being a writer and/or being an engineer. When I was applying to college, part of the submission process was writing an essay on what I wanted to do after I graduated, or what job I wanted. I always found it interesting that I was asked, as an 18-year-old, to plan my life for the next 50 odd years. Well, I wrote about how I didn’t know what I wanted to be, and how that’s okay. I wanted to take different classes and learn more about the world – there is so much to learn, and still so much I do not know (not to mention things I don’t know that I don’t know).
My curiosity eventually led me to business – everything is a business, and I could learn more about different aspects of business across industries. I ended up with a degree in Marketing and International Business but wanted to find a way to use that education to help people in some way. My pathway eventually took me into the life sciences, which enables me to contribute, create and support medicine that can truly save lives. This really is in line with what I was hoping for when I was young, and I couldn’t be happier with (most of) my decisions and trajectory. My contribution may be relatively small in the bigger picture, but it’s an important part to me.
More to the point, be curious, desire to learn, better yourself, keep growing, stay focused and stay curious.”
Maria Menikou, Category Director, Human Biological Samples
“For me it was the guy in the first episode of Netflix’s Surgeon’s Cut, Kipros Nikolaides. I was 14 or 15 when he performed the first in utero surgery to separate twins who were dying! He’s Cypriot, so it was all over the news in Cyprus. That in combination with the overpromised stem cells at the time had me hooked!”
Meaghan Loy, Category Director, In Vivo Services
“I always loved animals as a kid. I was fascinated by biology and evolution and in awe of the many different and beautiful forms that they could take. I originally intended to be a veterinarian, but I think that during my career I have actually managed to help more animals and done more good than if I was working in a clinic somewhere. I still get the same feeling of wonder when I see a new bird or view a new behavior I didn’t notice before.”
Maha Moatemri, Associate Director of Customer Success
“When I was a kid, one of my favorite toys that my dad got me was a train with tracks that you can build yourself. The train was a realistic steam train with smoke and sound. I was fascinated by the smoke; I constantly asked, “How does it work? How is it triggered every time the train moves?” Since then, every time we got a new appliance (tv, fridge, small kitchen tools), I would jump on the technical instructions they provided and read them all. I knew that I wanted a career in STEM since I was in school because of this. I was ranked 12th in the national technical baccalaureate in Tunisia (end of high school exam) and received a scholarship to study electrical engineering in Germany. But I am still very curious about all aspects of STEM, which is why I was attracted to and applied for a job here. So, I am still learning a great deal and appreciate the opportunity!”
Sometimes inspiration comes when you least expect it, and from places or people you least expect. The point is, innovation is the fruit of an inspired individual, so explore your interests and passions, and they might just lead you to amazing opportunities.
“…desire to learn, better yourself, keep growing, stay focused and stay curious.” - Brian Titus