It’s not hard to find articles, blog posts, or market reports these days that state contract research organizations, and outsourcing in general, is...
Although pharmaceutical companies and contract research organizations operate in the same preclinical drug discovery space, working for the two...
Scientist’s Kevin Lustig and Chris Petersen were recently asked to co-author a book chapter on the future of Pharmaceutical Outsourcing. It is...
Pharmaceutical outsourcing of research services continues to grow and data is showing that Asia is seeing the biggest benefits. The big...
Our latest infographic touches on a subject we care deeply about: the cost of drug discovery and the need for cost-effective research and...
It seems as if hardly a week goes by now without reading about a new example of crowdsouricing or citizen scientists working on some of the most...
In James Surowiecki’s book “The Wisdom of Crowds”, he lays out the criteria for successful decision making by large groups1: Diversity of opinion...
For decades the model for how a clinical diagnostic assay (otherwise known as a clinical diagnostic, or a diagnostic test) was developed remained...
A Scientist user reminded me last week of Atul Butte’s TEDMED 2012 talk, which showcases Scientist’s outsourcing marketplace. While speaking about...
As pharmaceutical and biotech research becomes more externalized, it is becoming increasingly important to know who is doing your research. Some...
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