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Posts tagged ‘labs explorer’

Showing 91-100 of 115 posts
Apr 14, 2017

Looking forward to understanding what the pillars of H2020 are made of? You are in the right place. For now, let’s take a look at the first pillar...

Apr 12, 2017

During the month of Mars 2017, we launched a survey about the partnership and outsourcing habits of our customers. Now is the time to share what we...

Apr 7, 2017

In 2017, the European Commission funds projects according to the different pillars of Horizon 2020, like Excellent Science, Industrial Leadership...

Apr 7, 2017

When you have a great and innovative idea you may protect it as your intellectual property (IP) before anyone else does! This idea is valuable if...

Apr 7, 2017

When you need to hire a high-skilled person for your company you may need extra help. You want to hire a person to fulfill a position. You need...

Apr 4, 2017

A lab manager needs to be informed of what is going on in his/her lab. It is not an easy task: monitor experiments, assign tasks and equipment...

Apr 3, 2017

The trend for outsourcing science and research is good news for contract research organizations and open innovation partnerships, but what does it...

Mar 31, 2017

Most Horizon 2020 projects are collaborative research and innovation projects where at least three organizations from different countries work...

Apr 3, 2017

Here is a list of the Ph.D. students and/or young researchers associations or network in Spain AJIUM : Asociación de Jóvenes Investigadores de la...

Mar 24, 2017

You have to find funds for developing a project, your product development, your equipment, or your staff. Funding is available through European...