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Sep 30, 2011

One of our missions is to help scientists improve efficiency by connecting them with ideal service providers and experts. An invaluable way of...

Sep 22, 2011

The idea behind most diagnostic tests is simple: Identify a telltale chemical and look for it in a blood sample. The PSA test for prostate cancer...

Aug 9, 2011

We at Scientist are constantly expanding our database to cover the various areas of drug discovery and development to provide you with the largest...

Jul 20, 2011

The public marketplace is an excellent tool for most researchers, but it became increasingly apparent it wasn’t the right solution for large...

Jul 12, 2011

Entrepreneurs are often advised to stay nimble during the startup years of a new venture, so they can quickly change direction as new business...

Jun 9, 2011

There has been a lot of buzz about single-person drug companies running out of their own homes after a recent NPR report. Overseeing the whole drug...

Mar 23, 2011

You may have noticed, we changed the layout of Scientist this week. We really liked our old design, but we’d been using it for a few years and...

Mar 21, 2011

When we at Scientist say that we help with pharmaceutical outsourcing, what types of services are we helping CROs deliver to researchers? Our site...

Oct 27, 2010

Outsourcing? Many people cringe at the sound of the word, but in the drug discovery industry, it’s the future as pharma companies race to cut costs...

Oct 27, 2010

Backoffice is part of a new and unique marketing channel that helps you establish new customer relationships and expand existing ones. It is a...