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Scientist’s 2012 Wrap Up

Colin Burton on December 20, 2012

As 2012 comes to a close, we wanted to look back at the blog and provide a short review of the past year. To start, our top 3 most popular posts come from our Infographic series, and not surprisingly the top two are about some pretty hot button topics in recent times.

Our Most Popular Infographics

  1. Republicans vs Democrats: Which Party Really Rallies for Science
  2. Dialing in on Americans’ Thoughts on Stem Cell Research
  3. Malaria, the Possible Eradication of the World’s Greatest Killer

Scientist Milestones

2012 was a big year for Scientist, as we hit a few major milestones. We announced our partnership with AstraZeneca, where we provide them an enterprise-level private research exchange, and thanks to our software team working tirelessly throughout the year we released the Research Exchange 3.0 upgrade to the public research exchange. This is a significant upgrade that brought a host of new features, plus infrastructure enhancements that will enable even greater improvements in 2013.

As part of Scientist’s continued outreach to the scientific community we launched a website dedicated to ‘open science challenges’. Our largest competition of the year was our Rare Disease Challenge. Teaming up with the Rare Genomics Institute, we encouraged 20 companies to donate their time, services, and money to drive and progress research in rare diseases. Judging is currently underway and the winners will be announced in the new year.