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Colin Burton

Colin Burton is a software developer at MedHub.
Zeige posts 1-10 von 11 gesamt
Feb 19, 2013

It’s not hard to find articles, blog posts, or market reports these days that state contract research organizations, and outsourcing in general, is...

Feb 12, 2013

Although pharmaceutical companies and contract research organizations operate in the same preclinical drug discovery space, working for the two...

Dec 20, 2012

As 2012 comes to a close, we wanted to look back at the blog and provide a short review of the past year. To start, our top 3 most popular posts...

Nov 15, 2012

Ask any scientist whether their research requires them to collect and analyze data, and I hypothesize that 100% of them will answer with a...

Sep 25, 2012

A Scientist user reminded me last week of Atul Butte’s TEDMED 2012 talk, which showcases Scientist’s outsourcing marketplace. While speaking about...

Sep 5, 2012

First of all, we would like to thank everyone for their comments and feedback regarding our site, Contract Research Map. It is growing faster than...

Jul 23, 2012

Over the years, Scientist has accumulated a lot of data about many aspects of the drug discovery and life science industry. It has always been a...

Jul 20, 2012

We are still offering webinars to users looking to take advantage of the tools Scientist has to offer, and now we are adding in Backoffice Hours...

Feb 28, 2012

As use of the Scientist continues to grow at a rapid pace, we thought it would be a helpful to offer a few 30-minute webinars in order to...

Dec 2, 2011

We are pleased to announce that we recently received our 10,000th request! To date, scientists, students and consultants from 56 countries have...